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A.B. Kukushkin, V.A. Rantsev-Kartinov. Similarity of skeletal
objects in the range 10-5 cm to 1023 cm //
Phys. Lett. A , 2002, vol. 306, pp. 175-183. (
PDF 320 KB)
A.B. Kukushkin, V.A. Rantsev-Kartinov. Skeletal structures in
high-current electric discharges and laser-produced plasmas: observations and
hypotheses // Advances in Plasma Phys. Research,
2002, vol. 2 (Ed. F. Gerard, Nova Science Publishers, New York), pp. 1-22; + //
J. of Magnetohydrodynamics, Plasma & Space Res. , 2002, vol. 10,
pp. 325-344. (
PDF 780 KB)
Кукушкин, В.А. Ранцев-Картинов. Микропылевые каркасные структуры в
электрических разрядах как новый тип наноматериала // Микросистемная
техника , 2002, вып. 3, с. 22-30. (
PDF 1600 KB)
А.Б. Кукушкин, В.А. Ранцев-Картинов. Микропылевые каркасные структуры как
новый тип наноматериала // В сб. «Математическое
моделирование процессов в нанотехнологиях и структурах». Труды
семинара ИПМ РАН им. Келдыша, Института нанотехнологий Международного Фонда
конверсии и МИФИ. Москва, МИФИ, 2001, с. 21-42.
A.B. Kukushkin, V.A. Rantsev-Kartinov. Self-similar skeletal structures in fusion and material test devices: numerical modeling and new observational data. In: "Current Trends in International Fusion Research: A Review" (Proc. 7-th Symposium, Washington, D.C., USA, March 5-9, 2007), Eds. E. Panarella and R. Raman. NRC Research Press, Ottawa; 10 pp. (to be published) (см. также презентацию устного доклада на сайте конференции http://www.physicsessays.com/doc/s2007/sk-wash-07.pdf).
A.B. Kukushkin, V.A. Rantsev-Kartinov. Evidences for and the models of self-similar skeletal structures in fusion devices, severe weather phenomena and space. In: Current Trends in International Fusion Research: A Review (Procs. 6-th Symposium Washington, D.C., USA, March 7-11, 2005), Ed. Emilio Panarella. NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6 Canada, 2006 (to be published) { + Preprint ArXiv: physics/0512245 (2005), 17 pp. http://www.arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0512/0512245.pdf}
A.B. Kukushkin, V.A. Rantsev-Kartinov. Similarity of skeletal
structures in laboratory and space and the probable role of self-assembling of
a fractal dust in fusion devices // Preprint ArXiv:
physics/0401027 (2004), 17 pp.
PDF 380 KB http://www.arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0401027) in
“Current Trends in International Fusion Research ”
— Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium (Washington, D.C., USA, 2003). Eds. C.D.
Orth, E. Panarella, R.F. Post. NRC Research Press, Nat. Res. Council of Canada,
Ottawa, Canada, 2008, pp.
A.B. Kukushkin, V.A. Rantsev-Kartinov.
Long-lived filaments in fusion plasmas: review of
observations and status of hypothesis of microdust-assembled skeletons. //
ArXiv: physics/0112091 (2001), 15
pp. ( PDF 340 KB
in “Current Trends in International Fusion Research”
— Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium (Washington, D.C., USA, 2001). Eds. C.D.
Orth, E. Panarella, R.F. Post. NRC Research Press, Nat. Res. Council of Canada,
Ottawa, Canada, 2007,
pp. 75-93.
A.B. Kukushkin, V.A. Rantsev-Kartinov. Long-living filamentation
and networking of electric current in laboratory and cosmic plasmas: from
microscopic mechanism to self-similarity of structuring // Current
Trends in International Fusion Research: Review and Assessment (Proc.
3rd Symposium, Washington D.C., 1999), Ed. E. Panarella, NRC
Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, 2002, pp. 121-148.