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V.A. Rantsev-Kartinov. Microstructure of erosion spots on the surface interacting with filamented beam plasma. Preprint arXiv:0901.1861v2 [physics.plasm-ph] (2009), 6 pp. http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0901/0901.1861.pdf

Kukushkin A.B., Rantsev-Kartinov V.A. Wild Cables in Z-pinch and Plasma Focus // Proc. 27-th Eur. Phys. Soc. conf. on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion (Budapest, Hungary, 2000), ECA vol. 24B, pp. 640-643. (PDF  170 KB  http://epsppd.epfl.ch/Buda/pdf/p2_051.pdf )

Kukushkin A.B., Rantsev-Kartinov V.A., Terentiev A.R., Formation of a spheromak-like magnetic configuration by a plasma focus self-transformed magnetic field // Fusion Technology, 1997, vol. 32, pp. 83-93. ( PDF  870 KB )

Kukushkin A.B., Rantsev-Kartinov V.A., Terentiev A.R. Self-organization phenomena in dense plasma focus experiments // In: Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems (Eds. G.J. Kalman, K.B. Blagoev, J.M. Rommel). New York: Plenum Press, 1998, pp. 129-133. ( PDF  500 KB )

A.B. Kukushkin, V.A. Rantsev-Kartinov, A.R. Terentiev. Three-dimensional heterogeneous filamented helical magnetoplasma structures in plasma focus experiments // Proc. 18th Symp. on Plasma Physics & Technology , Prague Tech. U., Prague, June 1997, p. 110-115.

Kukushkin A.B., Rantsev-Kartinov V.A., Terentiev A.R., Large-scale spheromak-like magnetic configuration (SLMC) in high-current discharges: self-formation and self-compression of the SLMC in plasma focus experiments // AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 409 - Dense Z-pinches 4th Int. Conf. (Vancouver, Canada, 1997), Eds. N. Pereira, J. Davis, and P. Pulsifer. New York: AIP Press. 1997, pp. 377-380.

Kukushkin A.B., Rantsev-Kartinov V.A., Terentiev A.R, Cherepanov K.V., Short-scale mixing of the plasma and magnetic field, and magnetic flux ropes in plasma focus experiments // AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 409 - Dense Z-pinches 4th Int. Conf. (Vancouver, Canada, 1997), Eds. N. Pereira, J. Davis, and P. Pulsifer. New York: AIP Press. 1997, pp. 381-384.

Kukushkin A.B., Rantsev-Kartinov V.A., Terentiev A.R., Energy concentration in a high-current gas discharge: experiments on plasma-focus-produced dense-plasma spheromak // Transactions of Fusion Technology, 1995, vol. 27, pp. 325-328.


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